
data class Wallet(var unspentInputs: List<TransactionInput> = emptyList(), val lockedInputs: List<TransactionInput> = emptyList(), val spentInputs: List<TransactionInput> = emptyList(), val unconfirmedIncomingAmounts: List<UnconfirmedInput> = emptyList(), val publicSpendKey: String, val privateSpendKey: String, val publicViewKey: String, val privateViewKey: String, val syncStartTimestamp: Long = 0, val syncStartHeight: Long = 0, val address: String = "", val primaryAddress: Boolean = false)

Wallet model.

We are using this model for saving to file.


Marcus Cvjeticanin




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constructor(unspentInputs: List<TransactionInput> = emptyList(), lockedInputs: List<TransactionInput> = emptyList(), spentInputs: List<TransactionInput> = emptyList(), unconfirmedIncomingAmounts: List<UnconfirmedInput> = emptyList(), publicSpendKey: String, privateSpendKey: String, publicViewKey: String, privateViewKey: String, syncStartTimestamp: Long = 0, syncStartHeight: Long = 0, address: String = "", primaryAddress: Boolean = false)


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This subwallet's public address.

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Inputs which have been used in a transaction, and are waiting to either be put into a block, or return to our wallet.

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val primaryAddress: Boolean = false

The wallet has one 'main' address which we will use by default when treating it as a single user wallet.

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The subwallet's private spend key (undefined if view wallet).

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The subwallet's private view key.

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This subwallet's public spend key.

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This subwallet's public view key.

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Inputs which have been spent in a transaction.

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The height to begin syncing the wallet at.

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The timestamp to begin syncing the wallet at (usually creation time or zero).

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Inputs which have come in from a transaction we sent - either from change or from sending to ourself - we use this to display unlocked balance correctly.

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A list of the stored transaction input data, to be used for sending transactions later.