
object Constants

Constants holds all the constants used in the SDK.


Marcus Cvjeticanin




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Save a block hash checkpoint every BLOCK_HASH_CHECKPOINTS_INTERVAL blocks

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Reserved space for miner transaction in block

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Required ratio of inputs to outputs in fusion transactions

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Minimum number of inputs a fusion transaction must have

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When we get the global indexes, we pass in a range of blocks, to obscure which transactions we are interested in - the ones that belong to us. To do this, we get the global indexes for all transactions in a range. For example, if we want the global indexes for a transaction in block 17, we get all the indexes from block 10 to block 20.

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How large should the lastKnownBlockHashes container be

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const val MAX_BLOCK_NUMBER: Long = 500000000

Used to determine whether an unlock time is a height, or a timestamp

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Part of the how fast blocks can grow

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Part of the how fast blocks can grow formula

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const val MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_INITIAL: Int = 100000

Initial block size

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const val MAX_FUSION_TX_SIZE: Int = 30000

Max size in bytes a fusion transaction can be

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const val MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE_CLIENT: Long = 100000000000

Max amount to create a single output of

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const val PBKDF2_ITERATIONS: Int = 500000

The number of iterations of PBKDF2 to perform on the wallet password.

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What version of the file format are we on (to make it easier to upgrade the wallet format in the future)